BlueCielo Meridian GCF/SharePoint 2012 SP1 Administrator's Guide | BlueCielo ECM Solutions

You are here: About installing components on the GCF computer > Installing the import and export processors

Installing the SharePoint processors

The GCF import and export processors perform the majority of the processing to collaborate on documents between the Meridian Enterprise vault and the SharePoint document library.

To install the SharePoint import and export processors, perform the following steps. To configure an upgraded installation, refer to the steps at the end of this topic.

To install the processors for the first time:

  1. On the GCF computer, locate and run the following setup program in the distribution package:

  2. The Welcome page appears.
  3. Click Next. The SharePoint Site page appears.
  4. Click options or type values using the descriptions in the following table.
SharePoint site options
Option Description

SharePoint site collection URL

URL of the destination site collection

SharePoint GCF web service URL

URL of the web service installed as described in Installing the GCF Web Service .

GCF share name

GCF share name used by the SharePoint site.

  1. Click Next. The Collaboration Processors page appears.
  2. Click options or type values using the descriptions in the following table.
SQL Server and license server options
Option Description

SQL Server computer name

Computer name referenced by the ConnectionString setting described in Configuring the SharePoint processors.

SQL Server database name

The GCF/SharePoint database created as described in Creating the SQL Server database.

Meridian license server computer name

Where the GCF/SharePoint license is installed as described in Installing the licenses.

  1. Click Next. The Select Installation Folder page appears.

  2. Accept the default folder path, type a path, or click Browse and select a folder. Click Disk Cost to view the impact of continuing installation on the available space of all connected drives.

    Tip    We recommend you install the processors in C:\GCF\SharePoint.

  3. Click Next. The Confirm Installation page appears.
  4. Click Next. The installation completes and the Installation Complete page appears.
  5. Click Close.

To upgrade an existing installation:

  1. On the SharePoint server, replace the files in the current location of the processors (for example, C:\GCF\Processors) with the files in the SharePoint\Processors folder of the distribution package.
  2. Run register.cmd to register some of the DLLs.

Related concepts

About installing components on the GCF computer

Related tasks

Installing the Meridian Enterprise processors

Creating the SQL Server database

Defining SQL Server security

Related information

Understanding the system requirements

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